Established July 13, 2021, the Kathryn Leigh Thurgaland Foundation has been in existence for just over a year!
With the help from all of you who have not only donated your money, but have donated your time, we have been able to help 5 families who lost a child. That means that almost $25,000 went towards helping devastated families stay on their feet.
We've also been able to award 3 student's scholarships.

Non-Profit Business Update
We've hired a CPA firm to help with the record keeping requirements. As soon as they are completed, we'll be sharing that information with you. The good news is that they agree that we should be recognized as a Private Operation Foundation rather than a Private Foundation.
What does that mean for you?
According to, "contributions to private operÂating foundations described in Internal Revenue Code section 4942(j)(3) are deductible by the donors to the extent of 50 percent of the donor’s adjusted gross income (AGI), whereas contributions to all other private founÂdations (except those discussed under Private Pass-through Foundation ) are genÂerally limited to 30 percent of the donor’s adjusted gross income."
The Next Love of Life Festival
Our very first Love of Life Festival was wonderful in so many ways. Everything continued to fall in place with obtaining all the required permits, licenses, vendors, and bands. The venue was absolutely beautiful. The weather was bright and sunny, but not too hot. The wind was crazy, though! Looking back, I can imagine this being KayLeigh's presence; letting everyone know she was there.
Total in attendance was about 305 and we made almost $2,500. Thank you, to everyone who came out! We hope you had a good time!!
We'd like to announce the date of the next Love of Life Festival. Mark your calendars.
The 2nd annual Love of Life Festival will be held Saturday, May 6, 2023!
The location is still to be determined.
