Vendor Application for the
Love of Life Festival
Celebrate life with art and music.
Saturday, February 15, 2025
We look forward to you becoming a part of our Special Event!
The Villages Polo Club
700 Buena Vista Blvd, The Villages FL 32162
(Please take the time to read everything. There's a lot here, and it's all very important.)
Festival Hours:
Set-up: Saturday, February 15th 8:00 AM to 11:30 AM
Event: Saturday, February 15th 12:00 PM - 9:00 PM
Breakdown: Saturday, February 15th 9:00 PM - 11:00 PM
Gates open at 8:00 AM, the day of the event for set-up. You must be set-up for inspections 1 hour prior to the announced event time on Saturday, February 15th.
Vendors will be required to place their vehicles in the parking area no later than 30 minutes before the event start time until staff allows vehicles to enter following the end of the event
Vendors who have not paid before the day of event will be expected to pay upon arrival.
You, your staff, and your booth must remain neat, clean and kept in an orderly fashion. Conduct and displays must be appropriate. No garbage/boxes/etc. may be in view. All boxes must be broken down before discarding.
Vendors are responsible for having appropriate licenses and collecting sales tax.
No beverages may be sold by any vendor unless specifically approved on the application.
​Vendor owned tents must conform to booth size.
Construction of booths and displays must be able to withstand inclement weather and crowd activity.
Tents must be manufactured of flame-retardant materials.
Each tent leg must be weighed down in some form or another. Leg weights, of at least 35 lbs per leg, are essential due to the location of the event. Stakes are NOT permitted.​​
Items should be sold from the front or sides of the vendor space. Displaying and selling items from the back of the booth is discouraged. This may force crowds to have to maneuver around electrical hook-ups, cords, etc. and represents a safety hazard. Vendors may only sell items within their booth. It is prohibited to walk through the crowd or near the stage areas to sell food or other items.
No electricity is provided. Solar lights work well, and we do allow the use of inverter type generators with decibel rating of 67” DBA or lower.
- All generators must be grounded.
- Only an inverter type generator with decibel rating of 67” DBA or lower may be used, to perform their designated tasks on-site
- If larger than 5KW (5000 Watts) an additional permit is required through the Sumter County
Building Dept.
- Generators must be 10ft away from any structure, completely surrounded by a barrier and placed on a
firm, flat, level surface outdoors.
- Must be fully fueled prior to use. Refueling may be conducted only when generator has been turned off
and is cool to touch. All fuel being used in the generator must be stored in the proper fuel containers
and properly sealed with appropriate spout covers, caps, etc.
- A proper certified fire extinguisher (minimum 2A:10BC) must be present and properly tagged.
Tables are to be properly covered.
The event staff, foundation directors, property owner and the Sumter County Board of County Commissioners will not be liable for any losses or damages of any kind that occur at your booth.
Only items listed and approved on this application will be allowed to be sold at the event.
If you play music, the volume must be at a level that allows the adjacent vendors, staff members, and the public to conduct business in a normal speaking voice. Failure to comply will result in forfeiture of booth space.
The Kathryn Leigh Thurgaland Foundation and the Festival Committee members reserves the right to reject or accept any vendor.
Each company/organization participating in the Love of Life Festival shall indemnify and hold harmless, the Kathryn Leigh Thurgaland Foundation and all sponsors from all claims, liabilities, costs, expenses and damages which may result from the operation of their concession.
Booths that will be cooking are required to have a 2025 fire extinguisher and apply for a special Health Department Temporary Food Service Establishment Permit.
No subletting or sharing of space is permitted unless preapproved. Once registration is confirmed, transfer of a vendor space to an unregistered vendor is prohibited.
Booths must be occupied and open for business during all hours of The Love of Life Festival.
Vendors must have their vehicles parked within the designated parking area by 11:30 AM.
Vendors may start breaking down at 9:00 PM however, vehicles will not be permitted into the festival area until attendees have cleared the area. The KLT Foundation Directors will have the final decision on this safety precaution and may change breakdown hours depending on circumstances. Should vendors choose to leave before the event’s scheduled time, that vendor will walk their items to their cars. No vehicular traffic will be permitted to enter the event area to pack up their belongings. Staff will do their best to relocate vendor vehicles into a different parking area, where applicable, to expedite the removal of said vendors belongings, but do not guarantee that at any point during the event hours.
Completed vendor application including signed Vendor Rules and Regulations.
Email Photos of your booth/merchandise to Contact@KLTFoundation.com
Menu and prices (Food Truck vendors only)
Us the link to pay vendor fee. The link takes you to our donation page. Fill out the required information in whichever payment method you perfer.
I am entering into a contract to participate in the Love of Life Festival on Saturday, February 15th, 2025. I agree to abide by all management's rules and regulations. I understand this contract will be legally binding between two parties once the application has been accepted. Vendors should insure their own exhibit and display materials. The Kathryn Leigh Thurgaland Foundation does not and will not assume liability for theft, injury, or any other accident that may occur during the event to visitors or vendors.
***Food Trucks - Please email a menu listing the items that will be sold along with the price.***
The inspector will only come once and any food vendor who misses inspection will not be allowed to sell. It is the sole responsibility of the vendor to show up for and pass inspection.
Only the food items stated on the application and approved may be sold at the event. The Kathryn Leigh Thurgaland Foundation reserves the right to refuse the sale of any items not specifically listed and approved or to refuse the sale of any item not in the best interest of the event, or cease the sale of any food product found not to be safe for public consumption.
To the best extent possible, food items will not be duplicated. If a vendor wishes to add an item after their application has been approved, they must call the office at (352) 804-4960 to confirm and receive additional approval.
A copy of the Florida Department of Business and Professional Regulations (DBPR) Guide to Temporary Food Service Events is attached to these terms. (http://www.myfloridalicense.com/DBPR/hotels-restaurants/licensing/temporaryevent-guide/)
It is each vendor's responsibility to read this guide. The DBPR will be on site Saturday, February 15th to conduct an inspection of all food vendors booths. No vendor will be allowed to sell food until they pass inspection.
Vendors are responsible for the complete clean-up of their space and disposal of all trash and debris. Disposal of oil and grease is absolutely prohibited on site and down any storm basins. Vendors must leave the grounds as they found it when they set up and take all measures to prevent grease, oil and food dripping on and accumulating on the grounds.
Failure to comply may result in exclusion from future KLT Foundation events.
Vendors are prohibited from selling any alcoholic beverages. Vendors may sell sodas, juices, water, coffee/tea and Gatorade type beverages. Smoothies, ice cream based drinks, shaved ice, snow cones and slushy type drinks are considered specialty items and are subject to exclusivity.
In accordance with the Florida Department of Business and Professional Regulation's (DBPR) Guide to Temporary Food Service Events, food vendors may operate under a current license from the DBPR or from the Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services at temporary food service events of 1-3 days. Vendors should be prepared to show a copy of their license to the inspector to pass inspection. Vendors must also send a copy of their license with their application.
Temporary food vendors without a current Florida license, which includes all out of state vendors, will be required to purchase a temporary license directly from the DBPR inspector for $91.00 prior to selling any food. The DBPR does not accept cash payments. It is solely the responsibility of the food vendor to pass inspection. Refunds will not be given to any vendor not passing inspection.
An original insurance certificate naming the Kathryn Leigh Thurgaland Foundation AND The Villages of Lake - Sumer Inc. as an additional insured for the date of the event showing Products Liability in the amount of $1,000,000.00. The number of attendees is estimated to be around 1,000.
It must include an “X” in ADDL INSD box and contact name & name of authorized representative completed and include event date.
The COI must be no more than 30 days out. The verbiage contained within the “Description Box” should include: “Certificate holder is listed as an Additional Insured with respects to General Liability.” The dates of the event & event description.
Vendors are solely responsible for paying all applicable Florida state sales tax.
Department of Fire Rescue & Emergency Services Fire Marshal's Bureau
- All fire extinguishers must be properly tagged within the State of Florida by a licensed certifying agency.
- Compressed gas tanks, such as helium tanks, must be properly secured to prevent tank from falling
- Tents larger than 10' x 10' must be permitted through the Marion County Building Department.
- Tents and canopies must be fire resistant with proper documentation/tags provided.
- A proper certified fire extinguisher must be present and properly tagged.
- Extension cords must be UL listed for outdoor use (indoor extension cords may not be used outdoor).
- When in a crossing path, they must be properly covered and protected.
- The cords must be free from splices, damage or deterioration and must be grounded.
- Cords must have proper amperage capacity that is not less than the capacity of the appliance.
- All generators must be grounded.
- Only an inverter type generator with decibel rating of 67” DBA or lower may be used, to perform their designated tasks on-site
- If larger than 5KW (5000 Watts) an additional permit is required through the Sumter County
Building Dept.
- Generators must be 10ft away from any structure, completely surrounded by a barrier and placed on a
firm, flat, level surface outdoors.
- Must be fully fueled prior to use. Refueling may be conducted only when generator has been turned off
and is cool to touch. All fuel being used in the generator must be stored in the proper fuel containers
and properly sealed with appropriate spout covers, caps, etc.
- A proper certified fire extinguisher (minimum 2A:10BC) must be present and properly tagged.
- A 10ft minimum clearance is required on both sides of any cooking vendor.
- Open flame cooking equipment must be a minimum of 10ft from any structure.
- Cooking areas must be enclosed by approved means from the general public.
- LP tanks will be required to be tested and certified by a licensed person or company and will be
checked in place on the day of the event with paperwork provided to the Fire Department, Fire
Marshal's Bureau when completed.
- LP tanks must be properly secured to prevent the tank from falling over and must be at least 10ft from
any open flame.
- If using a commercial cooking appliance which is self-contained and does not require the LP tank to be
located 10ft away, documentation must be submitted to the Fire Department, Fire Marshal's Bureau for
review prior to the event.
- Appliances must be placed on firm, flat and level outdoor surfaces.
- Food preparation and sale (excluding non-profit agencies) must contact the Florida Department of
Business & Professional Regulation, Division of Hotels and Restaurants (850-487-1395) to schedule an
inspection prior to selling food.
- Fire suppression systems in food trucks or trailers must be properly tagged by a State of Florida
certifying agency.